Thursday, August 20, 2009

School starts Monday.

And I am



The classroom is not set up. My student books are not caught up. I've got loads to do.

But that's not it....

It has been way to much fun to enjoy cooking dinner. I'm afraid I'm going to miss my free time. Time I got to use to play, and visit, and to get started planning our ward Christmas party. I'm not sure I'll ever want to give up mornings at home, and breakfasts with David.

But I am ready to teach. And to learn (patience mostly). I'm ready to serve. Because that, after all is what I do for a living. And you know what....I love my job.

So good bye summer. See you next year.

Wish me luck.


Casey Gentle said...

Take a bite out of that! I'm sure you'll be completely ready to roll by the time Monday comes. You're always so prepared. Mmmm bacon!

Marlee said...

I love how you write your blog! its so funny and cute! Miss ya!

Jenilee Sizemore said...

You don't need luck my dear. You are utterly fabulous!! You will do great! Next summer will be here before you know it.