Monday, August 10, 2009


Our garden is blowing up.

There is a cantaloupe vine in our neighbors yard.
The beans are taller than the fence.
The basil is claiming a whole corner.
The carrots look like dill (which is much bigger than carrot tops).
And the cucumbers have been producing for months.

But don't feel too bad for us...we've made pickles (5 jars), and tomato relishes (another 5 masons), and enjoyed little bowls of whatever i picked drizzled with oil or vinegar, or completely bare. I have to say I could get used to this. And the best part is that this is Florida, so I've got all year (basically) to grow.

Next will be the Squash.
And some peas.
And definitely some okra.
There is something so theraputic for me about dirty hands. And seeing something grow. And no one can argue that eating something clean and fresh isn't good for the soul.


Nicole said...

I'm jealous...

Casey Gentle said...

Now you're going to have to teach me to garden! Wow, I hope you're ready to start all my classes! I promise not to bite! :)

Jenilee Sizemore said...

Okay so I will bring you homemade cake if you will save made some okra! Oh man, I'm totally drooling thinking about fried okra.

Heather said...

Deal and deal! Ohhh, now I'm drooling over frosting.