Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thank you

This past weekend was our Stake conference. We were blessed enough to have Elder Oaks and Brother Ingram of the Seventy preside at the meetings. I spent last week excited to hear their words and council for our Stake. I mean how often do you get an Apostle in Stake Conference?

Saturday night was the adult session. I hadn't ever even thought about the fact that it was for adults until the day of, when I began having some reservations about taking little miss Chailee. (Looking back, I should have been smart enough to recognize where those feelings were coming from..). I decided it would be silly not to go, but had a plan in mind of how to do it. I would feed Chailee right before, keep my fingers crossed that she didn't get too fussy, and sit in the back near a door just in case. We got to the meeting and my mother in law had saved us seats in the second row. The second row. We don't even sit that close in sacrament. I tried to explain my reservations with sitting that close in an adult meeting with an infant, but it didn't matter. After some guilt from the mom in law I sat down.

The first hour of the meeting was great! Chailee only fussed for a minute, and never too loud. She even slept through the hymns. So Elder Oaks was the last speaker, and as he came to the podium I felt a little wiggle from the bundle in my arms.

Do you see where this is going....

Literally as Elder Oaks began to speak Chailee began to scream. Oh the timing. Rather than wait it out (he's an Apostle for heavens sake, people want to hear EVERYTHING he has to say) we left the chapel. No sooner than I stood up my little bundle stilled and fell right back asleep. I continued to the mothers room to try to feed her but she was out. I could feel my cheeks get hot and tears coming. I had the opportunity to sit at the feet of an Apostle, but instead I was stuck listening through a speaker. I tried to listen and to focus, but I was stuck feeling sorry for myself, and wishing we had just sat in the back like I wanted. Then I could have snuck back in.

I calmed myself down and headed back to the chapel as the meeting ended, making my way back to the front to David. Since Chailee was asleep and we were right up front, we decided to stay and shake Elder Oaks hand. And here's the point to this story.....

As I shook his hand I told him that I had been in the second row, and about how Chailee started crying right as he started to speak! We laughed and I thanked him for the testimony he shared.

He looked at Chailee then at me, and said "Thank you for doing the work of the Lord".

If I have ever been humbled in my life it was then. How could I have been upset over something as trivial as where I was sitting to hear him speak, especially since what I was doing was the work of the Lord. I had lost sight of what I have always known. Mothering is the work of the Lord. Chailee is a child of God. I am so blessed to be her mother. And I'm grateful for every opportunity I have to nurture and provide for her, be it 3:00 a.m., the middle of the day, or during an Apostles talk. I am also thankful for the words of a prophet and the Spirit that can bear witness of truth as we hear it. And most of all I am thankful to be able to do the work of the Lord.

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