Saturday, January 8, 2011

One down....4 to go?

David was pretty nervous for Chailee's blessing. My entire family came into town for the weekend, and all but one of David's brothers were here with their families as well. It was a fabulous day. We all made it to church on time, and sweet little Chailee didn't spit up on her dress at all. She was still and quiet through the beautiful blessing her daddy gave her. It was just a perfect day. We even managed a few family photos between the drizzly weather outside.

After it was all said and done one of the Goode brothers leaned over to David and whispered, "One down, 4 to go".

David's expression was priceless.


Mandi said...

Oh there is really nothing better than a blessing day. I am so thrilled for you 2. I thought about my 2 little ones blessing days. You will remember that day forever. Congrats again!

Jodi said...

It was a very special day!