Monday, June 22, 2009

5 more nights.

I'm not good at being away from David. And I don't think that makes me silly.

I used to think it was silly when we would go on vacation without my dad during the summer and my mom would call him every morning and every night. I'm happy report that my mom is not crazy for missing out on all of the fun those summers, instead just very much in love with her husband.

I'm going to Palm Bay tonight, and am spending some much needed, long over due time with my parents and siblings for the week. David is staying and working. I'm sure I'll be on the phone, just like my mother used to be, every morning and every night. Wish me luck. 5 more nights away.

I'll report back on my phone usage, and hopefully a weeks worth of summer time fun with the family =)


Casey Gentle said...

Have fun, I know how sad you were after 2 nights without him! If all else fails, find a waffle house!

Jenilee Sizemore said...

Look on the bright side, at least you get to talk to him everyday that you're gone. :D