Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009, Meet the Goodes.

So far we're getting along very well with the new year, and the new year with us. But to catch up first on some other things:

Christmas was lovely. We stayed here in Jacksonville and had Christmas as a Goode family. Im sorry to report that pictures are not a particularly high priority in the Goode family. Maybe because of the 6 boys, Im not really sure. So there are no pictures to show. Just know that we were happy, surrounded by our family (all of David's brothers made it home this year) and really enjoyed our holiday. David's oldest brother, Doug, and his wife and two adorable children were in town for the whole week. We spent a bit of time with them. Don't tell them, but we're secretly hoping that Louisianna falls into the ocean so they have to move back here!

So 2009: We have offically closed on our house, and the preperations for moving are underway. Painting, cleaning, changing, packing, moving and all of those joys are upon us. And I couldn't be more excited! We have waited a fair amount of time for all of this to begin! Again, with the whirlwind of activities around us, pictures aren't really happening. Although we did document the painting in the dark that happened last night. (pictures and explination coming soon).

We have started going to our new ward, which we both love! David's mother and a few of our old friends attend there, and it is already starting to feel like home.

Kaylene came to visit. And left just as quickly, but it was nice to have her. She painted a room at the house for her keep. Thanks Kaylene! My olive gray green tannish front room is my favorite so far!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday, and a great start to 2009. I've started working on my resolutions...more info and perhaps pictures to come...

What about you all? Any resolutions?

I thought a sunrise picture would be particularly appropriate for this time of year.
Resolution #1: See more of these live.


Jenilee Sizemore said...

Glad yall had a great Christmas with the Goode family. That is so awesome that yall closed on the house...CONGRATS! I'm sure you will super busy decorating and painting...I'm so jealous! Anyway, congrats on the house. What ward does that put you in now?

Heather said...

Orange Park 1st ward. Woo! I've always loved the west stake. Something about the southern accents and old men in leisure suits. Love it!

Nicole said...

Happy New Year to you! And I can't wait to see pics of your house. Are you decorating yet? That all sounds so fun :)