Monday, July 20, 2009

Where I am

Optimistic: A state of having positive beliefs.
cheerfulness, confidence, easiness, elation, encouragement, enthusiasm, exhilaration, rose-colored glasses, good cheer, happiness, hopefulness, idealism, looking on bright side, positivism, , sanguineness, sureness,trust.

I am there.

And plan on staying.

Life is too good. Family is too sweet. Friends are too dear. The plan is too true. And time is too short, to be anywhere else.


Jenilee Sizemore said...

Very well said Heather. I loved the last paragraph. Life is too short to not be anything but optimistic. So, is it just me or is everyone getting married, having a baby, or finding out they're pregnant?

Casey Gentle said...

nothing better than an optimistic post. LOVE IT!

Heather said...

Jenilee, girl it's big time crazy around here!! Everyone has something great going on, and I LOVE IT! It's hard not to be optimistic when so many good things are happening for so many people =)